Farmsteadfresh's Blog

Farmstead Fresh March 2011 Newsletter
February 23, 2011, 12:37 pm
Filed under: Organic cheese

Antibiotic Drugs no longer curing Staph Infections!
But Non Toxic “Phenomenal” Does It Very Quickly!
March 2011 News Letter by Eldore Hanni

If your family doctor tells you, “You will need to take this drug the rest of your life,”you may want to find another doctor. As I continue doing ever more research in alternative health care, I’m becoming ever more convinced that for every drug prescribed for treating health problems, there is an inexpensive harmless alternative substance that works even better. Antibiotic wonder drugs have had their day. But they are no match for the current school, gym, hospital and retirement home MRSA (staph infection) epidemic which is a leading cause of death. While drugs have become almost useless when fighting staph infection,
I’m delighted to introduce you to Dr Shannon Brown, discoverer of “Phenomenal”. Web Site; This very inexpensive liquid will totally eliminate staph infections in as little as 3 days. Yes, you have read correctly. Staph infections are being reversed in as little as three to seven days. And if you follow the directions on the bottle, the staph infection will never return.

Another very recent discovery that was brought to my attention, has the potential to blow most remaining drugs right out of sight! It’s a type of virus called Bacteriophage. This has been an enemy for us cheese makers for as long as I can remember. Bacteriophage can destroy the culture organism we use in making natural cheese. To eliminate these virus attacks, our cheese making facility must be kept even cleaner than hospitals. I have been making cheese for over 60 years.

Until quite recently I often wondered why God created Bacteriophage. Now I know why!

During the past 30 years, in the province of Georgia, which was part of the former Soviet Union, a doctor decided there had to be a better or more efficient method of reversing health conditions than using drugs. (See Killer Cure video about Phage Therapy, Tbilisi Geogia) So he had hospital nurses fill laboratory sample bottles with putrid sewage water coming out of the hospital disposal system. Laboratory test results provided a number of Bacteriophage strains designed to destroy within minutes, all decease and infections caused by bacteria. For several years following this Bacteriophage drug free treatment discovery, more lives were saved than ever before. But then the Soviet Union ran out of money. The iron curtain was dissolved, and this famous hospital, at least temporarily, could not continue operating because of lack of funds. Bacteriophage is a natural virus which can not be patented, so no-one seems to have any interest in spending research money on it. In the meantime I’m ever more convinced that whatever God created has a purpose. I’m hoping that before we totally destroy our health with drugs, someone reading this news letter will pickup the Bacteriophage ball and run with it.

In the meantime, the information in this news letter can be very helpful in keeping us out of any dangerous hospital situations. Eating mostly fresh toxic free raw food , fermented whole grain bread, raw fruit, vegetables, grass fed meat, raw milk cheese & dairy, To avoid consuming GMO contaminated food, buy organic as much as possible. keep coffee, and tea consumption to a minimum, stay away from soda drinks, and adding an ounce or two of ‘Phenomenal’ to every gallon of filtered water we consume, should prepare us to live a healthy and productive life style into very old age.

John 3:2 “The Lord God, who made Heaven & earth & the sea, and everything in them, has this to say, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health even as thy soul prospereth.”

In his service,

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